We are very proud to announce that Julia completed her PhD viva on 27th March, with no corrections (a rare and very impressive achievement)!
Her project used a variety of biochemical techniques, including click chemistry and mass spectrometry, to investigate how oxidation of cysteine residues changes throughout the cell cycle - focussing on p21, a CDK2 inhibitor downstream of p53. Using the data she collected, Julia proposes a model for cell cycle- and oxidation-dependent regulation of CDK2 activity by p21.
Her PhD has been quite an adventure, lasting almost 5 years and including a move from Dresden to London on her own before the rest of the lab! Throughout this journey, she has been supported by her partner and family - as well as our former lab members, Kristyna and Alena - who all visited London, from across Europe, for her viva.
We celebrated Julia's success by making her a graduation hat decorated with our fond memories of her PhD journey, then went for a meal and a party together in the evening.

Congratulations again, Dr. Vorhauser!
